Christmas is coming! So it's the right time to invade your PC and smartphone with a shower of little cookie men! :D
Christmas is coming! So it's the right time to invade PCs and mobiles with a rain of gingerbread men! :D
Download the wallpapers, dress up your devices and if you take some pictures tag me on Instagram , you know I'm curious! Tomorrow and the day after I'll be at Merry Handmade in Milan to browse, buy gifts and take part in the workshops of Clara Battello ( Petit Pois Rose ) and Gaia Segattini ( Vendetta Uncinetta )...will you be there? :)
Download the wallpapers, dress up your devices and if you take some pics don't forget to tag me on Instagram ...I'm curious, you know! Enjoy! :)
Desktop wallpapers are 1920 x 1200 px and mobile wallpapers are 1280 x 1024 px, both are the maximum size and resolution. The images are for personal use, please do not copy or post as your own. If you want to share the wallpapers, link to this post for download. Thanks!
Desktop wallpapers are sized to 1920 x 1200 px and mobile wallpapers are sized 1280 x 1024 px, both are the maximum size and resolution. The images are for personal use only, please do not copy or redistribute them as your own. I if you'd like to post a link sharing them, you may not directly post the downloadable files. P lease credit and link back to this post for downloading the wallpaper. Thanks!
Desktop wallpaper (click on the image to download):
Mobile wallpaper (click on the image to download):