DIY roundup_intro_putzhouses_thellamas

Conoscete le putz houses? Sono delle casette in cartone usate per creare dei villaggi natalizi, spesso decorate con abbondante glitter, dettaglio che le rende piuttosto kitsch… ma a noi piacciono così xD Queste deliziose casette hanno una lunga tradizione: Originariamente nate in Europa Centrale, in particolare in Moravia e Boemia, nel 1700 furono importate in America dagli stessi immigrati boemi, fuggiti a causa delle persecuzioni religiose. In America sono molto amate, al punto da essere oggetto di collezione per tanti appassionati! Le più ambite sono quelle di produzione giapponese degli anni 20’, o quelle coloratissime risalenti agli anni 50’. Abbiamo scovato 6 tutorial che reinterpretano le tradizionali putz houses in modo creativo e originale! Quale versione preferite, quella minimal e candida realizzata da One Dog Woof, o la versione biscotto di Sprinkle Bakes che si rifà alle putz house anni 50′ glitterate e un po’ kitsch?

Do you know the putz houses? They are cardboard houses used to create Christmas villages, often decorated with plenty of glitter, detail that makes them rather kitsch … but we like them because of this detail xD These delightful houses have a long tradition: Originally born in Central Europe, in particular in Moravia and Bohemia, in 1700 were imported to America by the same Bohemian immigrants, who fled because of religious persecutions. In America they are very popular and they often become a collector’s item for many fans! The most coveted are those of Japanese production of the 20 ‘, or the colorful ones from to the 50’. We have found 6 tutorials that reinterpret the traditional putz houses in a creative and original way! Which version do you prefer, the minimal and white one made by One Dog Woof, or the biscuit version of Sprinkle Bakes that takes inspiration from the glittery and a bit kitsch 50s’ putz houses?

DIY roundup_putzhouses_thellamas

  1. Winter Village Display – Chiwei @ One Dog Woof
  2. Mid Century Modern Sugar Cookie House – Sprinkle Bakes
  3. Mini Christmas Cardboard House – Minted 
  4. Craft a Mini Holiday Village – Better Homes & Gardens
  5. Paper Holiday Houses – Delia Creates
  6. DIY Christmas Village for the Cozy Minimalist – The Nester

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