so pinteresting 5 felt and amigurumi food

Tra due giorni è il 6 gennaio ed è quasi il momento di riempire le calze da regalare a bambini, amici e parenti! Oltre ai tradizionali dolcetti non sarebbe carino mettere nella calza anche degli oggetti fatti a mano ispirati al cibo? Utilizzando il feltro o la tecnica amigurumi se ne possono realizzare di carinissimi: ciambelle, sushi, tacos, biscotti…ce n’è per tutti i gusti! Date forma ai cibi preferiti dei vostri amici e trasformateli in peluche, ciondoli o portachiavi. Per ispirarvi ne abbiamo selezionati nove, freschi e fragranti, direttamente da Pinterest! XD 

On January 6, in Italy we are used to gift to children stockings filled with sweets and candies. According to the tradition, the sweets are brought to children by a nice old lady riding a broom, called “Befana”. Instead of candies, naughty children receive as a gift only coal! Wouldn’t it be nice to put in the stockings some handmade items inspired by the food, together with real sweets? Using the felt or the amigurumi technique you can make very cute ones: donuts, sushi, tacos, biscuits … there’s something for all tastes! Give a shape to the favorite foods of your friends and turn them into stuffed toys, pendants and key chains. We have selected nine fresh and fragrant foods for inspiration, directly from Pinterest! XD

so pinteresting 5 felt and amigurumi food

  1. Sushi Plushies – Hellajello (on Etsy)
  2. S’more Plushie – Whimsyloveswit (on Etsy)
  3. Crochet Donuts – Little Things Blogged (free pattern)
  4. Pick ‘n’ Mix Sweets – Mollie Makes (free pattern)
  5. Amigurumi pancakes – Amigurumi Food (free pattern)
  6. Tiny Taco Brooch – Michelle Coffee (on Etsy)
  7. Pizza and Beer – Amigurumifood (pattern on Etsy)
  8. Dumpling + Soy Sauce – Genuine Mudpie (free pattern)
  9. Chocolate Chip Cookie – Amigurumifood (pattern on Etsy)



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